Spanish Foreign Ministry did not respond to Russia’s request for the arrival of her two warships – the Great Anti-Local Ship “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” and the rescue towing ship “Altai” – to the port of Ceut’s city, Spanish semoker in North Africa. This is reported by Deutsche Vell, with reference to the Spanish press.
The Confidencial newspaper, referring to official sources, argues that it was about a three-day visit, which was supposed to begin on August 18. Russian ships were supposed to return to Seute and replenish food reserves. At the same time, it was planned that crew members could visit the city.
In accordance with publications, the request for the entry of ships was sent by Russia even at the beginning of summer. In response, the Spanish Foreign Ministry requested information about the route and goals of their swimming, to which the Russian side did not answer. Spain, in turn, did not respond to the Russian request and, thus, did not allow the courts to go to Cause.