Speaker of Georgian Parliament signed “Law on Ino -Agents”

The chairman of the Georgian parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, said that he signed the “Law on Ino -Agents”, after which he entered into force. This was reported by Georgian media.

“Today I signed the Law” On the Transparency of Foreign Infant. “The purpose of this law is to strengthen the political, economic and social systems of Georgia in relation to interventions from the outside, – the words of Papuashvili at a briefing are given.

Earlier, the Georgian parliament adopted in the third, final reading the disputed law “On the transparency of foreign influence”.

President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili imposed a veto on the bill. The head of state in particular, demanded that the law be canceled immediately the day after its entry into force.

The bill obliges non-governmental organizations and media outlets fundamentals from abroad and fill out the annual declaration.

initiated by the ruling party “Georgian Dream” the bill provoked mass protests in the country.