State Department declared West Bank of Jordan River occupied by Israel

The US administration considers it a historical fact that Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem during the 1967 war. This was announced to reporters by the head of the press service of the State Department, Ned Price, answering the question of how the position of the current American authorities on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict differs from the guidelines of their predecessors.

“This is a historical question. It cannot be denied that Israel occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem during the 1967 war. Our position is a two-state solution,” Price said, without going into details, reports TASS.

“Our challenge is a two-state solution, according to which Israel will live peacefully next to a Palestinian state. This not only corresponds to our values ​​and interests, but also corresponds to the values ​​and interests in the region, – continued Price. – We look forward to strengthening cooperation with the Palestinian people and leadership. This is our priority. “

TASS recalls that during the presidency of Donald Trump, Washington recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the sovereignty of the Jewish state over the Syrian Golan Heights, stopped considering the construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank as a violation of international law.