State service warned producers of flour and bread

Since the beginning of the year, prices for flour produced by entrepreneurship in the domestic market of Azerbaijan from imported food grain are aligned with the current price for food wheat on the world market. As a result, the cost of flour and traditional (round) bread changes. In this regard, the State Service for Antimonopoly Supervision and Control of Consumer Market in the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan has strengthened the control measures.

The state service for anti-monopoly politics and the surveillance of the consumer market was reported that there were meetings with importers of grain, as well as manufacturers of flour and bread, warning them about the inadmissibility of the abuse of the situation.

The deadline states that, in order to prevent unreasonable change in the price and weight of flour and traditional (round) bread and the implementation of quality control in the consumer market, regular monitoring is carried out, the necessary measures are taken to comply with antitrust laws. In the case of identifying in the course of monitoring, signs of violation of legislation by the civil service will be taken serious measures, emphasized in the statement.