Stoltenberg recognized it possible to impact on Russian Federation to be transferred by Ukraine weapons

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed his words regarding the withdrawal of the ban for Ukraine to use the weapons of Western countries for strikes on objects in Russia.

“Ukraine must have the right to strike at the territory of Russia with the set weapons,” said NATO Secretary General on the eve of the meeting of EU defense ministers.

Stoltenberg noted that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is an “aggressive war.”

“Russia attacked another continent and occupied another country. Ukraine also has the right to its protection and self -defense in accordance with national legislation. This is the defeat of goals outside Ukraine, military facilities in Russia,” said NATO Secretary General. “Ukrainians will be very It is difficult to defend yourself if they cannot hit military facilities right on the other side of the border, ”he added.

“We have no plans to send NATO troops to Ukraine”

In addition, Stoltenberg said that NATO is not a participant in the conflict in Ukraine.

“The fact that we send equipment to Ukraine does not make NATO a partner in the conflict. We have the right to support Ukraine without becoming a party to the conflict, because we help Ukraine save its right to self -defense,” he said.

Stoltenberg noted that NATO has two missions in this conflict: provide support to Ukraine by providing equipment and training, as well as prevent the spread of war on the region.

“We have no plans to send NATO troops to Ukraine or take a direct part in the war,” he added.

At the same time, NATO Secretary General said that the conflict in Ukraine may end “tomorrow, if the government of the country, which started the war, president (Russian Federation) Putin, will stop attacking Ukraine”.

“The problem is that we do not see any signs that President Putin plans to put an end to this war; on the contrary, we see that he is taking steps,” he said.