Stoltenberg: Support Of Ukraine Will Not Make NATO Conflict

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the full military support of Ukraine: “This will not make NATO a conflict. It will help Ukraine protect its right to self -defense,” he said.

Stoltenberg at a press conference at half-time of the NATO summit said that the Allies decided to strengthen transatlantic defense, within which industrial production will be increased and simultaneously developed missile and missile defense systems.

Stoltenberg said that on Thursday the Council of Ukraine-NATO will be held with the participation of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky.

The Secretary General said that a new package of assistance to Ukraine has been adopted: “We are not doing this to extend the war. On the contrary, we are doing this so that the war ends as soon as possible.”

He continued with the words: “If we do not want to bend before (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, we must be determined.” He noted that Ukraine’s membership in NATO is “irreversible” if the main reforms are carried out.

Having emphasized that the long -term support of the security forces of Ukraine will continue, Stoltenberg added: “(military support of Ukraine) will not make NATO a conflict. It will help Ukraine protect its right to self -defense.”

Stoltenberg regarding the membership of Ukraine noted: “Words are important, they create expectations and agenda, but actions will be decisive.”