Stomaty Rally in Madrid

One hundred thousand people, according to trade unions, took part in numerous promotions, which took place on the International Day of Workers in Spain, along with the column in the center of Madrid, RIA Novosti correspondent was held.

The most numerous demonstration organized by the two largest unions of the country – working commissions (CCOO) and the Universal Union of Workers (UGT) took place in Madrid. The column was held from Siblez Square to Puerta del Sol. In addition to the symbols of trade unions in the column, the flags of the second Spanish Republic were visible and with the Soviet symbolism, which invariably accompanies the shares of the left in Spain.

The latter were mainly at the end of the column, where the workflow and the Communist Party of the Spain were walking. In addition, the Association engaged in the search for victims of the Civil War (1936-1939) joined the action. The participants of this column carried stretch marks with portraits of people who died during the war, and chant the calls to “punish Frankists.”