“Strategic Compass”: for first time in history of European Union adopted a defense strategy

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of the European Union approved the first in the history of the Defense Concept of the European Union. The concept of “EU Strategic Compass” involves the creation of a rapid response for up to 5 thousand people, the head of the Foreign Ministry of Latvia Edgars Rinkevich, published in Twitter, is stated.

The final approval of the strategy will take place at the EU summit on March 24-25.

“The European Union has just approved the” strategic compass “, it gives the necessary set of tools so that the EU together with NATO has become a real player in geopolitical defense and security,” the Rinkevich wrote, UNIAN quotes it.

He stressed that it is only the beginning of the path, and much will depend on how successful the EU will support Ukraine.

“Strategic Compass” gives the European Union an ambitious plan for strengthening the EU security policy and defense policies until 2030, reported on the European Council website. The program gives a general assessment of the strategic environment where the EU is functioning, as well as threats and challenges faced by the Union.

“The document contains specific and practical proposals with a very accurate implementation schedule to improve the EU’s ability to decisively act during crises and protect your security and its citizens. The compass covers all aspects of security and defense policies and structured around four columns: act, invest , cooperate and secure security, “the report says.

The program involves creating an opportunity for rapid deployment to 5 thousand servicemen for different types of crises; improving the mobility of the military; development of the EU Space Strategy for Safety and Defense; Creating EU cyber protection policies for better preparation for cyberatics and responding to them; development of tools for identifying and responding to a wide range of hybrid threats; expanding the ability to analyze intelligence data; Strengthening cooperation with strategic partners, such as NATO, UN and regional partners.