Suborbital research flight of second Turkish cosmonaut ataserevor began

Soborbital spacecraft VSS Unity, in which the second Turkish astronaut is located, Jichangir Ataseever, flew out of the cosmodrome in New Mexico at 08:30 local time (at 17:30 in Turkish time).

The crew members Galactic 07 said goodbye to their relatives, then went to the cosmic king.

the Turkish astronaut was escorted by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Akhmet Yozgatlygil.

The VSS Unity spacecraft successfully started from the Spaceport cosmodrome in New Mexico at 08:30 local time (at 17:30 in Turkish time).

The Galactic 07 mission along with the Turkish astronaut also includes two astronauts from the United States, another of Italy.

A special carrier plane will raise a spaceplant to a height of about 45 thousand feet. After that, the VSS Unity will disconnect from it, and through the inclusion of a hybrid rocket engine within one minute it will reach a height of 90 kilometers. The flight duration will take about 1 hour 10 minutes.

It is planned that the Atasevert will conduct about 7 experiments in the conditions of microgravity in the free fall phase lasting about 3 minutes.