Sudan is in power of elements: 136 dead

The number of those who died in Sudan as a result of floods caused by heavy rains increased to 136. This was announced by Al Jazeeera, citing representatives of the work of security.

According to them, at least 120 people suffered from a natural disaster.

On September 4, Al Jazeera informed that 112 people were killed as a result of floods, more than 4 thousand houses were destroyed. According to Al-Hadath, the international airport in the capital of Sudan Hartum was forced to partially suspend his work for several hours on the same day due to bad weather.

The heavy rains that began in May led to the flooding of entire cities and forced thousands of people to leave their homes. The element was most affected by the states of the heating of En-Nil, Northern Cordofan, El Hezira, South Darfur and South Cordofan, as well as the White Nile.