In the Sudan’s pyramid covered in the armed conflict, the age of 2 thousand years under the protection of UNESCO, continue to rise in the desert, spilling light on history.
The conflict between the government army and the militarized rapid response forces (SBR) in Sudan, lasting from April 15, 2023, carried away at least 20 thousand lives.
ANADOLOM ANADOLA ANADOLE CEO was captured by Meroe Pyramids, located about 200 kilometers north of the capital of Sudan Hartum. Before the Civil War, they were considered the main tourist attraction of the country.
Pyramids near the ancient city of Meroe are known as the Pyramids of “Bedzhravy” by the name of the nearby village. NNI is 800 years older than the famous Egyptian pyramids and surpass them in numbers, but have smaller scales.
Locals of the village of Bedzhravy in the past drove tourists on camels and sold them national souvenirs. But due to the ongoing conflict, tourism in Sudan stopped.
Some pyramids were damaged due to natural and human factors. At that time, armed conflict, economic difficulties and political instability do not allow the proper maintenance of these structures.
The region also suffered significant damage in the 19th century due to excavations of European archaeologists. In this regard, the actions of the Italian “treasure hunter” and researcher Giuseppe Ferlini can be especially highlighted.