Syrian dreams of returning child abducted by terrorists/ypg

Syrian Dukhaye al-Khalil lives to return to his child’s native house, who was stolen 6 years ago by the US terrorist organization of the Red Army/YPG in the Tel-Abjad area of ​​the Rakka province in the northeast of Syria.

The terrorist organization continues to abduct and forcibly recruiting school -age children in the areas of Syria controlled by it.

The son of Dukhaye, Alaa al-Khalil, was forcibly involved in the ranks of the group at the age of 14. This happened in 2017, when the terrorists established control over the gate-aboat.

“He went to school, but did not return. I repeatedly called him. They (members of the RKK/YPG) lied to me and said that he was not with them. 12 days after the abduction of my son, his father died, unable to withstand the experiences “,” the woman told the correspondent of the Anadolu agency.

According to her mother, she still does not know whether her son is alive or not. “He was my youngest son, he was a very shy child. No one has seen him for 6 years, and we have not heard the slightest news about him from anyone. I feel bad when I think about his fate,” she said .

Dukhaye said that due to the experiences about her son, she began to have problems with vision.

According to Syrian, she again asked about her son with members of the RSC/YPG, when they gathered near her house due to the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation of the Turkish Source of the World in October 2019. “Then they told me:” We took him, your son in the mountains. Forget about him, ”recalls the interlocutor of the agency.

Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on the issue of children and armed conflicts of Virginia Gambi, met with one of the leaders of the Red Army/YPG Ferkhata Abdi Shakhin under the code call sign of Mazlum Abdi in the UN Geneva Office on June 29, 2019. At the official ceremony, he signed an action plan for the liberation of the groups of minors forcibly involved in the ranks.

Türkiye sent a note of protest to the UN about this.

The report of the UN HRC of January 16, 2020 states that the Red Army Terrorists used children as a “soldier” in Syria.

The recruitment of children with a terrorist organization of the Red Army/YPG is also said in the “Report on human trafficking for 2020”, published by the US State Department on June 26, 2020.

According to the document, terrorists forcibly attracted even 12-year-old girls and boys from refugee camps in the north-west of Syria.

According to the annual report of the UN “Children in Armed Conflicts” for 2022, during the reporting period, 1200 children were used as “soldiers” from the RSC and Syrian branches of the group – the so -called “Syrian democratic forces” and ypg.

The document provides a statement by the UN Secretary General Antoniu Guteriria, in which he expresses extreme concern to the use of children as “soldiers” and for other purposes from the RSC/YPG and calls for their immediate release.