TEPE drone, produced by AA Teknoloji, successfully fulfilled its first official mission. Emre Chebley, Director for Systems and Cybersecurity of the Anadolu agency, said that the drone was developed taking into account the experience of agency employees working in the field.
“Tepe will allow you to establish visual contact in the conditions of war, earthquakes, floods and social riots,” said Chebley.
Dron was used to shoot from the air and from the land of the building, in which T-walls sent from the American base in Tenfe in Syria were installed in the territory occupied by the PKK/YPG terrorist organization in the Ain-El-Arab area (Kobuni ). This event was his first mission.
Chebley emphasized that the drone is one of the most valuable products of AA Teknoloji. “We developed it, based on the experience of our employees working in various conditions. We analyzed how our operators work and created a drone that will ensure safety when working in risky places,” he added.
According to him, the TEPE drone is able to work in strategically important and dangerous areas, where it is difficult to establish visual contact. It passes aerodynamic tests and can work with strong winds, at a distance of up to 10 kilometers, said Chebley. The drone is also equipped with a direct broadcast function.
He added that TEPE is equipped with two cameras with 4K image quality, which allows you to get high -quality images.
He can also record information both on built -in storage facilities and the operator’s glasses, said Chebley.
In the near future, the company plans to start serial production of drone. Chebley noted that further research and development will help to improve the device.
Emrulla Yilmaz, assistant specialist in media technologies Anadola, added that the drone does not depend on GPS and is not exposed to false GPS signals, and is also easily installed and quickly charged, which facilitates its use in the field. < /p>
AA Teknoloji continues to develop innovative technologies and contribute to improving safety and media production technologies, he added.