Terrorist Organization Of RKK Set Fire To Village Of Dergel In North Of Iraq

The Ministry of National Defense of Turkey reports that members of the RSC terrorist organization blew up ammunition warehouses in the villages of Dergel and a bowl in the north of Iraq and completely set fire to the village of Dergel.

The statement published on the ministry page on the social network states that terrorists who penetrated the villages in the north of Iraq, who used civilians as a shield and fired at the Turkish Armed Forces unit, began to set fire to forests in order to hide their whereabouts .

“RKK terrorists blew up ammunition depots in the villages of Dergel and a bowl. Not paying attention to the danger to the lives of residents, the terrorists blew up the ammunition depots in the village and completely set fire to the village of Dergel. The Armed Forces of Turkey continue their operations, carefully monitoring not to ensure that it was not that it was not To harm the innocent civilians, the environment and nature, as it were, the terrorists did not try, they will not be able to get away from retaliation, which awaits them, ”the Turkish defense department emphasizes.

Photos are attached to the message, as members of the RSC terrorist organization set fire to ammunition warehouses in the above villages.