In the city of Ayutthai in Thailand, twin elephants were born. The rarest case for the elephant population occurred in the ElePhantstay reserve, where they are engaged in the protection and caring for these animals.
According to the Australian broadcasting corporation Australian BroadCasting Corporation, the 36-year-old elephant Jamjuri gave birth to an elephant-samets. The appearance of the second elephant 18 minutes after the first birth found the caretakers by surprise. The elephant herself in a panic broke the ankle to one of the caretakers.
Newborn elephants weigh 80 and 60 kilograms, respectively, now they are under observation.
The corporation described the double birth of the Asian elephant “Miracle of Nature.” The director of Elephantstay Michel Ridi noted that elephants very rarely give birth to twins.
According to Save the Elephants (“Save the Elephants”), the probability of the birth of Gemini-slopes in nature is only one percent. Even more rare is the birth of heterosexual twins in the elephant population.