“The World Is More Than Five”: Words Of Erdogan Are Seen On Streets Of New York

Visual materials containing Turkey’s calls for the United Nations (UN) reform (UN) appeared on the most lively streets and in the New York areas with the help of van with digital screens.

In the city hosting guests from around the world on the occasion of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, trucks with screens installed on them appeared: “Outside five: the creation of a global system for all”, “Global system after five: more: more A fair future for all, “” Reformed the UN for a fair world “,” Turkey: a partner in humanitarian assistance and sustainable development “,” Together at every step for a fair world “and” Building the bridges of mankind for the best tomorrow “.

Visual effects presented by the Communications Office of the President of Turkey during the day were demonstrated on the most lively streets and in the districts of the city and aroused great interest among residents of New York.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan first pronounced the phrase “World more than 5” in 2013, referring to five regular members of the UN Security Council, claiming that these five countries “neutralized” the United Nations.