Thousands Of Newborn Turtles Rushed From Turkey Beaches At Sea

As of September 2, from the five beaches of Turkey, which are part of the “zone of specially protected natural territory” under the Ministry of Environment, Urban Planning and Climate Changes, 169,972 newborn turtles hatched in 4,488 nests.

According to the department, there are 21 protected beaches in the country, where nesting of sea turtles occurs.

Work on the protection and increase in the population of sea turtles under the threat of extinction, has been continuing in Turkey since 1989.

Two of the eight types of sea turtles lay eggs on the beaches of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey.

In the GOKSU DELE Silifke of the province of Mersin, one of the largest nesting places in the Mediterranean, types of Caretta Caretta and Chelonia Mydas (green sea turtles) began to leave the nests and rush into the sea.

The head of the “zone of a specially protected natural territory” under the Ministry of Environment, Urban Planning and Climate Climate Climate, Turkey, Mustafa Uzun, said that this year the number of cranials of turtles has been headed by the country’s beaches.

The teacher of the Middle Eastern Technical University of Turkey (ODTü) Mustafa Korkmaz said that the work on the protection of the turtle population is also of great importance for international scientific circles.

The Minister of Environment, Urban Planning and Climate Climate Climate, Turkey, Murat Kurum, published on his page on the social network the personnel of the nests of the cubs of turtles in the gyoksu delta.

“Protected, tracked, and now we escort in complete safety. The journey of the small inhabitants of the sea began,” wrote the head of the department.