Thousands Of Syrians Are Looking For Relatives Missing In Prisons In Prisons

Since 2017, more than 4 thousand Syrian families have turned to the Association of prisoners and missing in the Sednaya prison in order to find relatives detained or stolen by the ousted regime of Bashar Assad.

The sadly famous prison “Sednaya” near Damascus became famous “with cruel tortures at the overthrown regime of Bashar al -Assad. After the fall of the regime, thousands of prisoners, which were contained in institutions like “Sednaya”, were liberated by opponents of the regime.

Association operates in the Gaziantep Province Border with Syria in the southeast of Turkey.

Structure staff organize video calls between families and former prisoners to help the Syrians find missing relatives in Syrian prisons.

The founder of the organization is Riyad Avlar. He himself was tortured during his year -who lasted 21 years of imprisonment at Sednai. In 2017, Avlar created a database where information was entered from former prisoners.

Fatma al-Kariri is looking for his two sons-34-year-old Suhaib and 32-year-old Mehmet Ikbal. Both were arrested for being opponents of the regime.

58-year-old woman said that she last spoke with Suhaib on the phone in 2012, just two days before his detention. Hariri added that many of her other relatives were also missing.

“I still preserve hope and ask the relevant authorities to act promptly,” said the interlocutor of the Anadola agency.

Rouveida Recep Aha did not hear anything about her brother Mohammed Hamze for ten years. A student of the university opposing the regime was taken by the police.

“He was arrested in 2008, and we visited him until 2014. Then we lost contact. My brother was kept in the Sednaya prison, she said.

In an interview with an anadol correspondent, she shared her impressions of indescribable joy, which she, like many Syrians, experienced after the fall of the Assad regime. “We felt revived, our faded hopes were resurrected. The happiness that we felt in those hours cannot be expressed in the words“ ”she recalls.

“There are reports of secret prisons that still act in Syria. We will keep hope until there will be evidence of his death,” she added.