Latest News Timeline | Page 1115

Stop evictions in East Jerusalem neighbourhood immediately, UN rights office urges Israel
Erdogan and Lukashenko discussed bilateral connections
In Saudi Arabia, not vaccinated from COVID will not be allowed to work
Transfer your loans to Yelo Bank and reduce monthly payments
Putin and Rahmon will discuss situation on border of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
Detected remains of another missing Azerbaijani military personnel
One of Baku streets is named after General Gashimov
Oil is more expensive again 7 May
UN expert urges States to impose arms embargo: Myanmar
Netanyahu called Putin
Development of updated WHO guidelines on management of tuberculosis in children and adolescents
UN expert condemns conviction of three environmental rights defenders, urges their release: Cambodia
UN rights office urges independent probe into police operation in Rio, Brazil
Prosecutor General’s Office about accident in Agdasha
Press briefing notes on Brazil
Press briefing notes on Uganda
Israeli athlete leads to World Cup in Baku
Foreign Ministry responded to statements by France and Canada
Sudanese authorities must make sure independent investigation is opened into Al-Udayyah events
Weather forecasters told about weather for tomorrow 7 May
Turkey and United States renew negotiations on F-35
UN experts urge Bahamas to halt plans to demolish 600 homes
Sierra Leone’s human rights record to be examined by Universal Periodic Review
Singapore’s human rights record to be examined by Universal Periodic Review
Earthquake on Caspiana 7 May
CMD: in mosques of Azerbaijan there will be no festive namaz
AS GROUP INVESTMENT saved life of young Huseyn
Prosecutor’s Office about death of a teenager in Baku
Chairman of Military Committee affirms NATO solidarity with Czech Republic during visit to Prague
Turanbank received a loan of 5 million dollars from a well-known financial institution
In Baku will be held an international chassis tournament
Statement on transparency and data integrityInternational Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities and WHO
Ex-Minister of Economics and Finance Slovakia became a special premiere of Georgia
ECB updates treatment of leverage ratio in Eurosystem monetary policy counterparty framework
Armed incident near Petersburg: Azerbaijanis injured
Moldova President was vaccinated by Astrazeneca vaccine
First deployment of WHO emergency rehabilitation support
France blocks EU contract for supply of Pfizer-Biontech vaccine
Court begins on former deputy minister of culture begins
India has installed an anti-recorder in number of cases
In United States detained robber held hostages in bank
Scientists have declared cause of mass death of seals on banks of Caspian
In UAE and Saudi Arabia threatened prison for intentional infection with Covid-19
Each fiftieth resident of Earth suffered Covid-19
Romania announced transformation of Black Sea to NATO Lake
Former LRA leader, ex-child soldier, sentenced to 25 years in jail
In United States doubted official mortality data from COVID-19
Nearly 8 years on, ‘gaps, inconsistencies, discrepancies’ remain over Syria chemical weapons declaration