Latest News Timeline | Page 1129

Diversity of indigenous peoples highlighted in UN photo exhibit
Rohinyga Refugees Allegedly Tortured: Bangladesh
Revise Flawed Disability Bill: Cambodia
WHO: Situation in India “More than heartbreaking”
Pentagon is followed by discharge of Russian troops from borders with Ukraine
Mortal hazard of seeds
John Kerry informed Javad Zarif about Israel’s operations?
Suspend Aid Benefitting Myanmar Junta
US will share with other countries 60 million doses of Astrazeneca
‘Relentless’ violence worsening plight of children in Ituri province
‘Make or break moment’ for forests
WHO: incidence of COVID-19 in world grows ninth week in a row
Korotchenko: “If Heydar Aliyev became president, USSR would push United States”
Macron called Putin
Lenin wanted to sell for billions
Erdogan: “In many places there are mass burials of Turks killed by Armenians”
Erdogan with Ilham Aliyev prepare concrete steps
Number vaccinated from COVID in Azerbaijan
Pfizer Beginning Test Tablets from Coronavirus
World Bank Boosts Burundi Health System in Context of COVID-19
Ambassador: Serbia supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
A new feature appeared in Telegram 27 April
Improving productivity key to unleashing sustainable growth in Central America
New in Chess Classic: Shakhriyar Mammadyarov against Teimura Rajabova
‘Disasters know no borders’ says Guterres, 35 years on from Chernobyl nuclear accident
Immunization services begin slow recovery from COVID-19 disruptions, though millions of children remain
New UN-led global immunization push aims to save more than 50 million lives
Pashinian put forward to post of Prime Minister
Deadly shipwreck off Venezuela underscores need for safe migration pathways, protection
Gicheru case: Amended schedule of filings for confirmation of charges proceedings
Prioritize people and planet, UN chief urges Asian and Pacific nations
Employee of Ukrainian Embassy in Russia announced non-graphics person
Innovations in UNEC: Wood, Minor, Track, “Professor UNEC”
Committee against Torture Opens Seventieth Online Session
MES appealed to citizens because of weather
Nigeria hit his own military base
He who shot head of FSIN Transbaikalia was arrested
Incidence of COVID-19 in world has reached a maximum
Central African Republic: TFV now implementing full assistance programme
“Azerigaz” is ready for elections to Public Council
European Union will help India in fight against outbreak of Covid-19
Benefits for vaccinated pensioners from interbank
Iraqi Government steps following Ibn Al-Khatib Hospital fire are not enough
Stockholm Institute for Military Expenses of Azerbaijan
“Case Doctors” continues: Detained director of hospital in Neftlie
Tribute to John Storey
Minthouse: On Social Support of Liquidators of Chernobyl accident
AIPB will take another day of “open doors”