Latest News Timeline | Page 89

Chairmanship in Turkpa passed to Azerbaijan
Temporary President of Iran Mukhbir and President of Azerbaijan Aliyev discussed development of relations
Hakan Fidan visited tomb of Yusuf Khas Najib and Ideg Mosque in Chinese city of Kashgar
Biden arrived on visit to France
Foreign Minister: Baku received positive messages from Yerevan
Lavrov: Russia is developing military mobile phone with Burkina-Faso
Turkish President: Solving environmental problems requires international cooperation
Emine Erdogan: Supporting Network Waste movement strengthens faith in fight against climatic crisis
Oppenheimer’s grandson called for use of nuclear energy in fight against climate change
Volume of greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey decreased by 2.4% in 2022
In New York, influence of US missionaries on formation of Armenian nationalism was discussed
Alliance, led by Prime Minister Modi, won general election in India
Baghdad and Ankara continue negotiations on problem of RSC
Kyiv: China’s participation in world summit would be an important signal of country’s balanced position
Istanbul: on June 6, VI festival of culture of ethno -sports starts
Next stage of discharge to ocean of water from Fukushima -1 nuclear power plant is completed
Chisinau and Paris discussed ways to intensify defense cooperation
Belarus and kingdom of Esvatini established diplomatic relations
XIX meeting of SCO forum is held in Tashkent
US Embassy in Beirut underwent an armed attack
Prime Minister of India Modi stated election in country with “historical success”
Turkish Foreign Ministry condemns decision of Uruguay Parliament on recognition of 1915 events “by genocide
President Erdogan: Türkiye entered elite of space powers
Imam of mosque in Turkish Khatai performs melodies on nae for visitors
Türkiye and Azerbaijan are successfully developing energy -labor work
Tokaev: Egypt is one of main partners of Kazakhstan in Islamic and Arab world
Speaker of Kyrgyz Parliament arrived on visit to Azerbaijan
Istanbul: an exhibition of e -commerce WorldEF starts
Azerbaijan Prime Minister told trade and economic sphere priority area of interaction
Azerbaijani-Turkish cooperation was discussed in Baku
Production of seafood in Turkey in 2023 increased by 18.6%
Foreign Ministry of Russian Federation: West is trying to inflate situation in Georgia
Mishustin: Russian Federation is ready to assist in launch of new advanced technologies
An earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred in Georgia
Azerbaijan: joint exercises “Caucasian eagle ─ 2024” will start
Agreement on supply of natural gas between Azerbaijan and Turkey is extended until end of 2030
Kazakhstan: V Youth Theater Forum of CIS countries takes place
Foreign Minister of Turkey: Ankara and Beijing can contribute to global and regional stability
Foreign Minister of Turkey: Ankara and Beijing will contribute to global and regional stability
US President Biden will not attend world summit in Ukraine in Switzerland
President of Belarus visited suburban center of Mongolian culture
Tokaev: Consent and unity are highest values of peaceful Kazakhstan
Foreign Minister of Ukraine: Estonia passes to Kyiv an energy unit, which can provide electricity about 150 thousand
Foreign Minister of Turkey met with vice-chairman of PRC
India: counting of votes in parliamentary elections began
CSTO is considered unacceptable to politicize issue of artificial intelligence technologies
Ashgabat is held in Russian cinema festival
Portugal: 2 aircraft collided, performing demonstration flight