Tokaev: Astana Is Ready To Become Platform For Negotiations Between Yerevan And Baku

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev proposed using Astana as a platform for negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan under a peace treaty during a telephone conversation with Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev.

In the conversation that took place on September 9, Tokaev congratulated Aliyev on the successful holding of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan and the convincing victory of the Eni Azerbaijan party. Aliyev expressed gratitude for the congratulations.

Tokaev also noted the importance of the participation of Ilham Aliyev in an advisory meeting of the heads of the state of Central Asia.

Aliyev, in turn, congratulated Kazakhstan on the successful organization of V -World Games of Nomads, in which Azerbaijani athletes are actively involved.

Particular attention was paid to the upcoming days of culture of Azerbaijan in Kazakhstan, which will be held this month.

The parties confirmed the strategic nature of relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Tokaev emphasized Astana’s readiness to become a platform for negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, to which Aliyev expressed a positive attitude.

During a telephone conversation, an exchange of views on two -way cooperation also took place.