Tokayev held an operational meeting of Security Council

Kazakhstan President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev held an operational meeting of the Security Council, reports “satellite”.

In Nursultan, chaired by the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayeva, a meeting of the Security Council of the country was held, at which he called the priority to protect the constitutional rights of citizens.

At the meeting, the General Prosecutor Gizat Nurdaletov reported on the progress of the investigation of the events of January. According to him, 3,024 criminal cases are currently being investigated. In jurisdiction of the interdepartmental investigative group under the leadership of special projects there are 177 cases on mass riots and acts of terrorism.

According to the prosecution authorities, 779 persons are in custody. Among the detainees 24 members of the ODG, 113 persons are convicted of murder, theft, robbery and sweeping.

After studying the personality, the state of health and other materials, 109 citizens of the arrest are replaced with a subscription of the unseason and personal guarantee. The prosecutors were released by another 103 people, having the unusuality of their participation in the riots.

He noted that the prosecutors are in contact with lawyers, human rights activists and authorized on human rights. They are provided with access to detention facilities, IVS and special receivers to verify the conditions of content. In total, the prosecutor’s office received 305 complaints of detainees. According to 62 appeals, violations were not confirmed. At 170 facts, criminal cases of torture and exceeding power are instituted.

The Chairperson of the National Security Committee, Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister were also made with reports, Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister.

At the end of the meeting, by the President of Tokayev State Authorities, orders were instructed on a thorough objective investigation of the January events, the protection of the rights of detainees, timely informing the population on the progress of the investigation.