All brazil news and updates

Scientists have found a new natural antibiotic
Health Workforce in COVID-19 Action Series: Time to Protect. Invest. Together
Council Holds Panel Discussion on Tenth Anniversary of Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Concludes Dialogue
Human Rights Council Holds Separate Interactive Dialogues with Special Rapporteur on Independence of Judges and Lawyers and
Army will protect largest forests in world
Confirmed Covid-19 cases in world exceeded 182 million people
Turkey suspends flights with six countries
Human Rights Council Holds Separate Interactive Dialogues on Prevention of Genocide and on Violence Against Women
UN Human Rights Chief urges immediate, transformative action to uproot systemic racism
Now there comes a lambda strain of Covid-19
$1 billion fund for renewables among key energy commitments made during UN ministerial forums
Azerbaijan’s citizen detected a deadly strain of Covid-19
Chair of Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls flags States’ failure to adequately prioritise sexual
Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Holds General Discussion on Rights of Indigenous Women
Limiting Patent Protections for COVID-19 Related Medical Products Will Facilitate Access to Lower-cost Generic Versions of COVID-19 Vaccines
In Absence of Individualized Assessments, Pushbacks are a Violation of Prohibition of Collective Expulsion and Heighten Risk
We Must Act United Against Female Genital Mutilation, High Commissioner for Human Rights Tells Human Rights Council
Confirmed Covid-19 cases in world reached 180 million people
Confirmed Covid-19 cases in world exceeded 179 million people
Special Rapporteur Tells Human Rights Council that Serious Human Rights Issues Persist in Eritrea
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women Opens Seventy-ninth Online Session
Vaccines against COVID-19 Must Be Considered as a Global Public Good
Scientists have declared a condition for completing a pandemic
Russia developed a test to identify “Indian” and “British” strains of COVID
Confirmed Covid-19 cases in world exceeded 178 million people
Economic Crisis Pushes Many Workers into Informal Labor Market in Latin America and Caribbean
Human Rights Council to Hold its Forty-Seventh Regular Session from 21 June to 13 July 2021
Caesarean section rates continue to rise, amid growing inequalities in access: WHO
Red Cross steps up support to Venezuelan migrants, including refugees, across 17 American countries
A shortage of chocolate and coffee may begin in Europe
Confirmed Covid-19 cases in world exceeded 177 million people
Israel completely refused masks and vaccination
World Bank, IMF Launch High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery and Growth
Domestic workers among hardest hit by COVID crisis, says UN labour agency
World Bank Report: Investing in Protected Areas Reaps Big Rewards
Tofik Musaev gave way to Tokyo to Japanese Brazilian
There are already over 175 million in world with Covid-19
Continuing Venezuela exodus and COVID-19 highlights need for global solidarity for most vulnerable
UN elects five new members to serve on Security Council
New Supply Chain Law a Step in Right Direction: Germany
Failure to Respond to Education Emergency: Brazil
Statement for healthcare professionals: How COVID-19 vaccines are regulated for safety and effectiveness
Confirmed Covid-19 cases in world exceeded 175 million people
New WHO guidance seeks to put an end to human rights violations in mental health care
Number of cowid patients in world exceeded 174 million people
Global Launch: Tracking SDG7: Energy Progress Report
Azerbaijan shared experience with Brazil, Spain and Hungary
FINANCIAL TIMES: In world, record increase in food prices