All eu news and updates

NATO Secretary General previews meeting of Allied Defence Ministers
Russia announced destruction of a large amount of Western weapons of Armed Forces
Macron believes that Zelensky will have to negotiate with Russia
Slovakia should improve education of Roma children and support to national minority cultures
And Israel will supply gas to Europe
American General: Without intervention of NATO, war in Ukraine cannot be stopped
Lack of co-ordination continues to hamper protection of regional and minority languages
Europe has found a replacement for Russian coal
Medvedev: “And who said that Ukraine will exist on map of world?”
Concert on Boulevard in honor of victory of Azerbaijan at European Championship
Russia against Ukraine: three scenarios of further development of war
NATO: West must send Ukraine more heavy weapons
Yemen truce holding, but full measures still not in place
Draw of 2nd round of Eurocubkov: who will go to Karabakh, Neftech, Zir and Gabala?
Polish Prime Minister stated consequences of defeat of Ukraine for EU and NATO
Georgian President called on citizens to a rally
Secretary General joins meeting of seven NATO Allies to prepare Madrid Summit
WHO to determine if Monkeypox should be declared ‘Emergency of International Concern’
Young Azerbaijani fighter became European champion
Euro 2023: Azerbaijani team U-21 in football lost Norway
States should support work of UN Commission of Inquiry, take action to dismantle apartheid: OPT/Israel
Israel demanded that military leave Turkey
Cosmetics were banned in Turkmenistan
Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet
Schwarzenegger: “We have blood in our hands”
Improve education about national minorities and support for Sinti and Roma, says Council of Europe committee
New military exercises began in Belarus
Brigitte Macron, guest of honour at first forum for secondary school pupils
Domestic violence: Countries should improve child custody safety and victim protection
Germany promises Ukraine additional weapons
France: without “peace” Ukraine will not enter EU
Finland: last monument to Lenin is dismantled
Russia will not comply with decision of ECHR to pay compensation to “foreign agents”
International use of euro remained stable in 2021
Agreed on gas: head of European Commission in Israel
ILO Governing Body demands end to Russian aggression in Ukraine
Europe does not see threat of its food security
European Commission has doubts about granting of Georgia status of an EU candidate
Launch of WHO’s Parkinson disease technical brief
Will there be no gas war between Israel and Lebanon?
Turkey will return to exploration of gas fields in Mediterranean Sea
European Union disconnects three Russian banks from SWIFT
Israel’s ‘Open-Air Prison’ at 15: Gaza
Assets of State Duma deputies were arrested in Montenegro
Opposition Politician Could Face 10-Year Sentence in Kazakhstan
Zelensky criticized SHOLITS
Support ‘deep aspiration’ for reform, top envoy urges Security Council
Countries urged to adapt strategic framework to address huge unmet needs of skin diseases