All eu news and updates

Committee on Enforced Disappearances closes twenty-first session after adopting concluding observations on Brazil, Panama
EU main diplomat: European Union can take part in restoration of Karabakh
Committee on Rights of Child closes eghty-eighth session after adopting concluding observations on reports of Czech Republic
High Commissioner for Human Rights to Human Rights Council
Cyprus President determined to get negotiation with Turkey process back on track
WHO backs Regeneron Covid drug cocktail – with equal access and price cut
Deadly ‘invisible shipwrecks’ plague migrants bound for Canary Islands
Zaur Darabzade about opening cinemas with certain restrictions
Statement Central Bank of China Did Bitcoin
High Commissioner for Human Rights tells Human Rights Council that Human Rights situation in Belarus continues to worsen
ACT-Accelerator partnership welcomes leadership and commitments at US COVID Summit to ending Covid pandemic through equitable access
World Tourism Day
Virtual Gathering of ICC’s Legal Professionals Programme Alumni
Council of Europe stands united in fight against antisemitism
PACE Autumn Session focuses on right to healthy environment
Scandal with submarines continues: France will expose Australia’s account
Nasiba Pyrieval refused to sell a football club for half a billion
European Day of Languages 2021: “All voices matter” says Secretary General
Ex-head of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nakhchivan read sentence – 11 years in prison
Government of Nepal and Development Partners Join Forces on Nepals Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development
In Kelbajara, they cannot find missing in July Bayramov and Rustamova
WHO calls for equitable access to casirivimab and imdevimab for Covid
Ilham Aliyev stated in UN of pollution of Armenia River Okhchchaya
Ex-chapter of Catalonia arrested in Italy
World Bank Supports Economic Recovery and Greater Competitiveness in Colombia with $500 Million Loan
Parties to Conflict Continue to Perpetrate War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, Infringing on Basic Human Rights of Syrians
A special bank for women appeared in US
Strong UN has key role in bringing peace, security and social justice, says Cuban President
Food’s human right, not just ‘a commodity to be traded’: Guterres
Human Rights Situation in Myanmar Has Deteriorated Significantly and Some Violations May Amount to Crimes against Humanity
What is US Secretary of State and Foreign Minister of Foreign Ministry discussed in New York
South Sudan plagued by violence and corruption, Human Rights Council hears
50 Firms Collaborate to Champion Next Gen Careers in Industry
New credit service for entrepreneurs from Unibank
City Climate Finance Gap Fund completes first year of operation with support to 33 cities
San Marino: GREVIO reports substantial progress in national policies to stop violence against women
Statelessness and right to nationality in Europe
There is Compelling Case that Military Junta in Myanmar is Committing Crimes against Humanity
‘The adolescence of humanity is coming to an end’, declares UK Prime Minister
Covid Summit at UN Falls Short: UN
Venezuela demands end of sanctions and urges leaders to build ‘new world’
‘Through tears, solutions have sprung up’: Estonian President
Millions in Yemen ‘a step away from starvation’
Maduro agreed with opposition, which West recognized authorities
UN expert says current international efforts failing, urges ‘change of course’
‘We can end pandemic’, UN chief says in new call for global vaccine plan
Imam Amili advised to speak not about war, but about world
Clean Skies for Tomorrow Leaders: 10% Sustainable Aviation Fuel by 2030