All eu news and updates

UN report calls for scaling-up carbon capture, use and storage
Military expert: It turns out that international action for demining Karabakh was nothing more than a cover
Israeli authorities believe that Iran is involved in oil spill off coast of country
Reuters: preparing an armed attack on Congress
Scientists have recreated appearance of ancient human ancestors
Smarter Food Policy Could Boost Health and Economic Recovery of Asian Cities
For 15 years, Silk Way Technics has been ensuring safe operation of aircraft
New WHO report on Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 highlights strategies for its prevention and control
Traumatized abducted schoolchildren need urgent rehabilitation, say independent rights experts
EU to revise Association Agreement with Ukraine
ILO/EBRD assessment report says COVID-19 threatens 245,000 jobs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Putin called for tough suppression of nationalism and xenophobia
Strong earthquake in Greece
North Korea Receives Free Vaccine
Prominent Azerbaijani historian dies of Covid-19
Orban accused EU of disrupting vaccine supplies: “I have to look for vaccines … in Russia and China”
Rights experts condemn ongoing demolition of Palestinian Bedouin village
Fighting for women’s financial freedom
Equitable vaccine delivery plan needs more support to succeed: COVAX partners
Ninth African Fiscal Forum Joint Statement by European Commissioner for International Partnerships and Managing Director
5 things you need to know about COVAX
UN’s nuclear watchdog agency will not be ‘bargaining chip’ in Iran nuclear deal
Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire begin history-making COVAX vaccination drives
Russia responsible for Navalny poisoning, rights experts say
World Pharmacopoeias support public health during COVID-19 pandemic
First COVID-19 COVAX vaccine doses administered in Africa
UN ceasefire monitoring mission condemns attack on civilians in Hudaydah
UNICEF urges repatriation of all children in Syria’s al-Hol camp following deadly fire
Yemen ‘cannot even afford to worry about coronavirus’
Palestinian elections raise hopes for two-State solution, Middle East Coordinator tells Security Council
IMF Executive Board Completes Second Review of Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe
IMF Executive Board 2020 Article IV Consultation with Bosnia and Herzegovina
65% of Adults Think Race, Ethnicity or National Origin Affects Job Opportunities
In Yemen’s man-made catastrophe, women and girls pay price
Consultation on discussion paper on Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders
WHO-backed policy brief calls for action to address ‘long COVID’
UN agencies support nationwide polio vaccination campaign
Georgia’s Blue Economy Can Be a Vehicle for Accelerating Climate Change Adaptation, Says World Bank
COVID-19 oxygen emergency impacting more than half a million people
Central African Republic ‘very volatile’, despite important progress – UN peacekeeping chief
Creating jobs and preserving heritage in Iraq through new ILO-UNESCO-EU collaboration
COVID-19 vaccine doses shipped by COVAX Facility head to Ghana, marking beginning of global rollout
Experts accuse Iran of rights violations in shooting down Ukraine airlines flight
UN rights experts call for US to address ongoing violations at ‘Kafkaesque’ Guantánamo military prison
Rapid growth of digital economy calls for coherent policy response
Income support to help 17,000 garment workers in Lao PDR hit by COVID-19
Prioritize vaccine contracts with UN-led COVAX initiative, urges health chief Tedros
IMF Executive Board Concludes Second and Third Review Under Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for Mali