All eu news and updates

In European Union, calculated how many jobs “killed” pandemic
Azerbaijani deputies will discuss 13 issues
European Commission about negotiations on a new agreement with Azerbaijan
End police brutality and impunity in Belarus, rights experts urge
Trump registered in new social network
Committee on Rights of Persons with Disabilities Closes Twenty-Fourth Virtual Session after Adopting its Concluding Recommendations
COVID-19 vaccine rollout ‘unacceptably slow’ in Europe, WHO warns
Italian Senator: “Armenia must provide cards of mined territories of Azerbaijan”
Turkish representative topped European Heavy Athletics Federation
An unknown submarine tried to damage gas pipeline “Northern Stream-2”
Through Azerspace-1 satellite, three more Georgian television channel began to broadcast
Spectators will be allowed to “Eurovision”
Training programme that “Empowers, Skills, Employs”
Links between terrorism and transnational organised crime: Committee of Ministers adopts guidelines
Legal aid in civil and administrative law: new guidelines
Additional US$9 Million to Strengthen Resilience of Palestinian Businesses during COVID-19
Lead Contamination Threat to Migrants Unresolved: Greece
Activism and commitments to accelerate gender equality mark conclusion of Generation Equality Forum in Mexico City
NATO delivers IT equipment to Republic of Moldova
Europe: gas price rose to maximum
Brazil: revealed a new variety of Covid-19
More than half a million of infection with Covid-19 revealed in world per day
Alleged Child Offender on Death Row: Saudi Arabia
Ilham Aliyev: “Zangezur – ancient land of Azerbaijan, which will unite Turkic world”
ICC Appeals Chamber confirms Trial Chamber I’s decision acquitting Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé of all charges of crime
Sakhil Babaev discussed cooperation in social sphere with World Bank
Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden, appointed WHO Special Envoy for ACT-Accelerator
New Policy to Champion LGBTI Rights Abroad: Germany
UN experts denounce mega tourism project that ‘tramples on human rights’
Implementing ECHR judgments: Progress in 2020 despite COVID, but further efforts needed
German authorities refuse to pay a pension to a deadly nurse
UN agencies ramp up response for Rohingya refugees in wake of ‘unprecedented’ fire
UN experts flag rights concerns over $3bln tourism project: Indonesia
Turkey continues its efforts for Afghanistan’s lasting security, through NATO-led Resolute Support Mission
In German schools, children are vaccinated hostility to migrants from Azerbaijan
What measures should be taken against trade in goods used for purpose of execution or torture?
Independent Blogger Attacked: Uzbekistan
South Asian Economies Bounce Back but Face Fragile Recovery
Georgian and opposition authorities refused to sign plan proposed by European Council
Amid Recession, Sub-Saharan Africa Poised for Recovery
Escalating Threats to Women Activists
Emerging Europe and Central Asia Economies Return to Growth Amidst Pandemic-Related Setbacks
Polish Economy Returns to Growth Amidst Pandemic-Related Setbacks
Pandemic Pushes Back Gender Parity by a Generation, Report Finds
Plastic pollution disproportionately hitting marginalized groups, UN environment report finds
In Turkey recorded a record number of cases COVID-19
Ending Syria’s war is our collective responsibility, UN chief tells donor conference
Serbian media: Gurbanov Gurbanov has long retired, Serbia can sleep peacefully