All europe news and updates

Withdraw Invite to Myanmar Junta Leader: ASEAN
UN and partners welcome progress in Libya
Statement at 11th Session of UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing
Déby Leaves Legacy of Abuse: Chad
First medal of Azerbaijan at European Championships
Three English clubs thought about refusal of Super League
Secretary General: “Council of Europe fully supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”
ESPN: UEFA will not exclude members of superliga from Champions League
Based and reliable international order is basis for peaceful relations between states’ says German Chancellor Angela Merkel
In WHO stated that some COVID mutations may be resistant to vaccines
Saudi women’s rights activist Loujain Alhathloul awarded 8th Václav Havel Human Rights Prize
Affa opposed European Super League
Merkel stated that Putin criticizes in personal conversations
Maia Sandu: ‘Where there is political will, there is genuine reform’
Message from Director SRH/HRP 20 April
Flawed Country of Origin Reports Lead to Flawed Refugee Policies: Denmark
Gas in Europe went up
US transferred dozens of fighters to Poland
Georgian authorities and opposition concluded an agreement
UEFA President said war Superliga: “This is a spit in us, in face of fans”
EPA Should Ban Toxic Pesticide: United States
Four Azerbaijani fighters reached semifinals of European Championship in Poland
Boris Johnson explained danger of football superliga
New Council of Europe Action Plan for Republic of Moldova launched in Strasbourg
WHO-backed global youth mobilization funds young people’s ideas to combat impact of COVID-19 pandemic
In Iran, they talked about negotiations with Saudi Arabia
Azerbaijan won two medals at European Judo Championship
Green transformation will rival industrial revolution: US climate envoy
In State Duma, exit of Russia from PACE
New Zealand can be first country in world free of smoking
Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety review of latest evidence of rare adverse blood coagulation events with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
Myanmar military increasing efforts to keep truth from getting out, UN expert says
Azerbaijan Judoist will compete for bronze of European Championship
In Germany, they stated threat of a new Caribbean crisis
US Should Refocus on Rights Concerns: North Korea
Statement on France’s Deportation of Chechen Asylum Seeker to Russia Despite Risk of Torture
Implications for Human Rights on Peninsula: Hearing on Civil and Political Rights in Republic of Korea
Chavushoglu: We do not need a European Union to make a meeting with Greece
Global shortage of innovative antibiotics fuels emergence and spread of drug-resistance
Greece goes to Azerbaijani gas
UN Disability Rights Committee issues findings on Estonia and calls for people with disabilities’ inclusion
GRECO urges states to prevent corruption risks when tackling COVID-19 pandemic’s economic impact
BAFT held an international seminar for banks of Azerbaijan
UN to launch funding appeal for Saint Vincent and Grenadines
Committee on Rights of Migrant Workers Discusses Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Migrants and Ratification of Convention
Azerbaijan again smashes Greece and travels to Euro-2022 without defeat
Member States held an informal exchange of views with representatives of civil society organisations on their role
Vaccine passports: Council of Europe issues guidance to governments to safeguard human rights