All europe news and updates

MDBs’ Climate Finance for Developing Countries Rose to US$ 38 Billion, Joint Report Shows
COVID, State surveillance, smartphones, mega tech-corporations and artificial intelligence are only a few of themes which will
Lukashenko instructed to completely close border with Ukraine
Venice Commission plenary session underway
Statement on Journalist and Human Rights Defender Andrei Aliaksandrau
Access to reliable information sources is obvious antidote to disinformation
Secretary General: Western Balkans countries play “central and valued role” in Council of Europe
Bitting holding 29 years record in running
Harnessing power of sport for Generation Equality
COVID-19 Pandemic Brought on a Substantive Setback for Persons with Leprosy who must be Recognised as a Vulnerable Group with Regard
Human Rights Council Starts Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on Peaceful Assembly and Association
Delta variant drives Africa COVID threat to ‘whole new level´: WHO warns; ‘dominant’ in Europe by August
NATO Secretary General reaffirms NATO’s commitment to its KFOR mission and to stability in Western Balkans
Drug consumption rooms important part of reducing harm, Strasbourg Symposium hears
UN women’s rights committee urges Turkey to reconsider withdrawal from Istanbul Convention as decision takes effect
Human rights training for legal professionals: number of online users doubled since 2020
Joint ECB/ESRB report shows uneven impacts of climate change for EU financial sector
World Bank Appoints New Regional Director for Central Asia
Ukraine’s Power Infrastructure Integration with EU Power Grid to Benefit from World Bank Support
Women must no longer be ‘squeezed into a small corner’, landmark Forum declares
Price of gas in Europe jumped above $ 460
Remarks by Under-Secretary-General of UN and UN Women Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka 1 July
Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty Calls for Creation of a Global Fund for Social Protection during Interactive Dialogue
Ukrainian ministers came to a government meeting in form of national team
Migrant worker numbers rise by five million: ILO
Prime Minister of Republic of Iraq visits NATO Headquarters
Azerbaijan against Armenia in finals of youth euros to combat
European Union will add Azerbaijan to list of epidemiologically safe countries
Human Rights Council Holds Panel Discussion on Effects of Climate Change on Older People
WHO and Global Fund Sign Cooperation Agreement to Scale Up HIV, TB and Malaria Interventions and Strengthen Health Systems
Scientists have found a new natural antibiotic
Global labour migration increases by five million
Warsaw Convention report: Burden of proof should be reversed to allow confiscations in serious offences
Sudan to Receive Debt Relief Under HIPC Initiative
Council Holds Panel Discussion on Tenth Anniversary of Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Concludes Dialogue
German Foreign Minister helped beer drawer with colleague from UK
Azerbaijani wrestler won European Youth Championship
Secretary General at ” Les Conversations de l’Odyssée “
Record-breaking ‘pressure-cooker’ heatwave hits Canada, US northwest
New partnership agreement between Council of Europe and City of Strasbourg
Australia: build largest world radio telescope
Human Rights Council Holds Separate Interactive Dialogues with Special Rapporteur on Independence of Judges and Lawyers and
Human Rights Council Starts Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on Trafficking
Challenge of ensuring national minority rights taking new forms, tools to address it adapting
UN expert: Victims of trafficking should be protected, not punished
Deputy Secretary General: new ambitions for NATO-EU cooperation
Pardons a Meager Response to Abusive Law: Sri Lanka
Denmark and Czech Republic are sent to Baku vaccinated and passing