All europe news and updates

Danish MP’s statements regarding Syrian refugees reeked of shameful, condescending language
Danish PM’s statements regarding Syrian refugees reeked of shameful, condescending language
Politico: Biden and Putin can meet in Baku
Custody Bill Puts Women, Children at Risk: Greece
Ukraine to Modernize Higher Education System with World Bank Support
Report of Ombudsman on Hate Crimes in Soil for Azerbaijanis
From where I stand: “The more Roma women are visible, more impact they have on society as
Withdraw New Batch of Oppressive Laws: Russia
Ali Asadov: Azerbaijan attaches great importance to relationships with Georgia
Javanshir fayzieve muroarlands on baku of Armenian services
155 million faced acute food insecurity in 2020, conflict key driver
Protecting vulnerable groups in crisis situations: more effective structures and procedures needed
NATO successfully tests Rapid Air Mobility procedures
Migration and asylum: Council of Europe to increase protection of vulnerable persons
Among Indian delegation at G7 meeting found two patients with COVID-19
Europe Day 5 May 2021: 72nd Anniversary of Council of Europe
Council of Europe anti-torture committee publishes report on Finland
Asian Ports Dominate Global Container Port Performance Index
In United States warned by Bayden from war with Russia
Vaccine passes: protecting human rights and personal data
Allow Syrian Refugee Students to Take Exams: Lebanon
AIPB laboratories continue to assess risk of potato disease
UN envoy Gordon Brown urges G7 countries to fund global COVID vaccination push
Orsolya Székely Appointed World Bank Accountability Mechanism Secretary
Oral rabies vaccine: a new strategy in fight against rabies deaths
Zakharova explained preparing for Russia’s disconnection from SWIFT
UN expert calls for an ambitious social Europe, says COVID must spark rethink: European Union
Journalism and Covid-19: Press freedom is essential in times of crisis
Prioritize Rights at India Summit: EU
Azerbaijani gymnasts won European Championship medal
Brexit finally completed
In White House they said that Putin and Biden will discuss
COVID must spark rethink to prioritize ‘human lives’ over economic policies
WHO warns danger of repeating “Indian scenario” in Europe
ECB appoints Irene Heemskerk as head of its climate change centre
Lithuanian Foreign Minister: We are ready for any cooperation with Azerbaijan
Secretary General presents her vision for improving implementation of social rights in Europe
Anti-Russian appeal of Armenian deputy
Belgium’s human rights record to be examined by Universal Periodic Review
Bishkek and Dushanbe agreed to resolve conflict
Human rights and environment: New online course for legal professionals
Lebanon Financing Facility Approves $55 million Recovery Program Targeting Vulnerable Households and Small Businesses to Respond
Azerbaijani student elected vice president of world’s largest legal youth organization
Baku and Lisbon held political advice
Vaccinated Europeans now outnumber those infected by COVID, but ‘threat remains present’
Lawyers will host trainings about human rights
Bulgaria should improve access to justice and compensation for victims of trafficking
Georgia: US Ambassador said dictator