All indonesia news and updates

Interweaving ecosystems in Indonesia
Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Urges All Parties to Pull Back from Posture of War in Ethiopia
Launch of UN Group of Friends on Neglected Tropical Diseases and on Support of Water
Bank Dunia Menyetujui Dukungan untuk Memperkuat Jaminan Kesehatan, Meningkatkan Kualitas Perawatan Kesehatan di Indonesia
World Bank Approves Support to Strengthen Health Insurance, Improve Quality of Health Care in Indonesia
Indonesias Economy Grew in 2021 Despite Covid, Will Accelerate in 2022, World Bank Report Says
Human rights defenders under attack in Asia – UN experts
Stop reprisals against woman human rights defender – UN expert: Indonesia
WHO works to scale-up support to low- and middle-income countries to address antimicrobial resistance thanks to support from
Nobel laureate in an interview with Haqqin.AZ made GMO products
ICRC: Omicron highlights need to step up global vaccinations, including in conflict zones
Committee against Torture Discusses Follow-up to Concluding Observations, Follow-up to Individual Communications, and Reprisals
Stop judicial harassment of human rights defenders – UN expert: Indonesia
‘Bridge gap between indigenous youth and world’
Lunar eclipse on Friday will be longest over past 500 years
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women closes eightieth session after adopting concluding observations on reports of 10 States
Climate change increasing threats in southwest Pacific: WMO report
Vaccinating refugees in Indonesia, for benefit of all
Human Rights Council requests High Commissioner for Human Rights to designate an Expert on human rights situation
By 2030, half world’s population will be exposed to flooding, storms, tsunamis
More than 100 countries commit to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030
World Forum for Democracy 2021: “Can democracy save environment?”
Experts of Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women commend universal health care coverage
World Economic Forum Puts Focus on Cities with Public-Private Collaborations at Global Summit
World Health Organization Secretariat announcement regarding election of next WHO Director-General
World Heritage forests releasing more carbon than they absorb: UNESCO
Experts of Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women Ask Yemen about Discrimination against Women and Lack
Civil Society Representatives Brief Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women on Situation
Indonesia: found treasures of mysteriously disappeared civilization
Austrian diplomat suspected of ties with Russian special services
Experts of Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women commend Sweden’s work on gender equality worldwide
Renewable energy jobs reached 12 million globally
Labour productivity trends in Asia and Pacific highlight uneven Covid impacts
State Department warned Iran: if diplomacy does not help, United States turns to other options
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women Opens Eightieth Session
Covid caused rise in TB deaths for first time in decade, gains ‘reversed’
Tuberculosis deaths rise for first time in more than decade due to Covid pandemic
ASEAN Digital Generation Survey Calls for Joint Action for an Inclusive and Sustainable Digital Economy
Can we make transport safe and sustainable? An interview with motorsport chief, Jean Todt
Sixth Ministerial Meeting of Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action
Human Rights Council Extends Mandates on Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Cambodia and Libya
First president of Iran died
Human Rights Council appoints Special Rapporteur on protection of human rights
Human Rights Council adopts four resolutions on right to development, human rights and indigenous peoples
Human Rights Council adopts four resolutions on child early and forced marriage, negative legacies of colonialism
Human Rights Council Appoints for One Year Special Rapporteur on Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan
Human Rights Council Hears Presentations by High Commissioner on Cambodia, Georgia
Human Rights Council Discusses Situation of Human Rights in South Sudan