All iran news and updates

Head of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Iran reduces tensions: “Azerbaijan is our friend. And all misunderstanding with a diplomatic path”
Complex conversation of head of Iranian Foreign Ministry and Ambassador of Azerbaijan
Human Rights Council holds an interactive dialogue with Advisory Committee and general debate on Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms
Ambassador of Azerbaijan at Minister of Foreign Affairs Iran
Human Rights Council Has Given Disturbing Diagnosis of Human Rights Violations Occurring
In Azerbaijan universities, began to teach “Story of Ottoman Empire”
Alleged reprisals and intimidation against 240 who cooperated with UN
Young People Must Be Protagonists in Developing Policies and Programmes that Affect Them
Iranian General: “We created six armies abroad”
Case of Babayev and Mirzaeva: 34 years in prison for 64 kg of drugs
Magnitude and Scope of Inequalities Created and Exacerbated by Covid Is Truly Shocking, High Commissioner Tells Human Rights Council
Indigenous Peoples Have Been Disproportionately Affected by Covid – Senior UN Official Tells Human Rights Council
Iran priest in sabotage chambers
Powerful hurricane comes to Iran
France focuses on responsibility and solidarity in face of global challenges
Syria ‘combating and eradicating terrorism’, General Assembly hears
Gender Digital Divide Is Reflection of Overall Discrimination Faced by Women and Girls
Yemen asks international community to exert pressure on Houthi coup leaders and their sponsors to ‘end bloodshed’
Security Council marks 25th anniversary of Test Ban Treaty with call for nuclear weapons-free world
Iran nuclear programme at ‘critical point’, Israeli Prime Minister warns
Why Bennett three times told Bidenu “no”
Kremlin: Putin and Erdogan are not waiting for President Iran
Ilham Aliyev on normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia
Iran did not let IAEA on a nuclear facility
Erdogan: “US troops should leave Syria and Iraq, as they left from Afghanistan”
‘Humanity remains unacceptably close to nuclear annihilation, says UN chief on International Day
Huawei Founder’s daughter exchanged on two Canadians
High Commissioner for Human Rights to Human Rights Council
High Commissioner for Human Rights tells Human Rights Council that Human Rights situation in Belarus continues to worsen
Parties to Conflict Continue to Perpetrate War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, Infringing on Basic Human Rights of Syrians
Strong UN has key role in bringing peace, security and social justice, says Cuban President
UN chief appeals for countries to sign nuclear test-ban treaty
Human Rights Situation in Myanmar Has Deteriorated Significantly and Some Violations May Amount to Crimes against Humanity
Deputy Foreign Minister Iran in Agdam
New Chief Scout of Iran Esmail Hatib: what he is known and what to wait for him
Taliban Abuses Cause Widespread Fear in Afghanistan
There is Compelling Case that Military Junta in Myanmar is Committing Crimes against Humanity
King of Saudi Arabia says peace is top priority for his country
Imam Amili advised to speak not about war, but about world
Sadzhadpur deputy minister stated that Iran has a good relationship with Azerbaijan
Plastic Recycling is Clear Example of Disinformation in Context of Toxics
Sanctions are ‘US way of war’, Iranian President at UN
President Iran called on to strengthen safety of Armenia
Main analysts of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran are going to Baku. Rides and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Iran
Iran sent to Azerbaijan “Wrong” potatoes
Thousands of Persons Are Subjected to Arbitrary Detention Each Year
Updated Submission to Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Ambassador Iran called on Armenia to build an alternative road