All korea news and updates

Kim Jong Yun explained “critical moment” in North Korea and “New Victory”
Outstanding sites added to UNESCO World Heritage List
President of Human Rights Council appoints Members of Commission of Inquiry on Occupied Palestinian Territory
NATO welcomes stronger cooperation with Republic of Korea
Human Rights Council Adopts Two Resolutions on Climate Change and on Maternal Mortality and Morbidity
Establishes Mechanism to Protect Africans and People of African Descent against Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers
Human Rights Council Adopts Three Resolutions on Human Rights in Tigray Region of Ethiopia, Human Rights
Renews Mandate on Eritrea and Calls for Removal of Unjustified Obstacles Restricting Export of COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 vaccine booster doses as Delta variant rips around world shows ‘disappointing inequality’: WHO
Law Enforcement Officials must be Held Accountable for Crimes against People of African Descent and Alternative Approaches
Israeli Settlements Amount to a War Crime, Special Rapporteur Tells Human Rights Council
Human Rights Council Adopts Universal Periodic Review Outcomes of Australia, Saint Lucia, and Nepal
Special Rapporteur on Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar Tells Human Rights Council that International Community is Failing People
Establishing a Mechanism on Missing in Syria is a Priority, Commission of Inquiry on Syrian Arab Republic Tells Human Rights Council
Over Past Year, More than 35,000 People Have Been Arbitrarily Detained in Belarus
COVID, State surveillance, smartphones, mega tech-corporations and artificial intelligence are only a few of themes which will
COVID-19 Pandemic Brought on a Substantive Setback for Persons with Leprosy who must be Recognised as a Vulnerable Group with Regard
Kim Jong Yun declared a “critical case” in North Korea
Council Holds Panel Discussion on Tenth Anniversary of Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Concludes Dialogue
Human Rights Council Holds Separate Interactive Dialogues with Special Rapporteur on Independence of Judges and Lawyers and
Human Rights Council Starts Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on Trafficking
15 major cyber making peace
Human Rights Council Holds Separate Interactive Dialogues on Prevention of Genocide and on Violence Against Women
Human Rights Council Discusses Report on Cultural Dimension of Right to Education and Concludes Debate with Special Rapporteur
We Must Act United Against Female Genital Mutilation, High Commissioner for Human Rights Tells Human Rights Council
High Commissioner for Human Rights Presents Report on Situation of Human Rights
Human Rights Council Begins Interactive Discussion with High Commissioner for Human Rights on her Annual Report and Concludes
Special Rapporteur Tells Human Rights Council that Serious Human Rights Issues Persist in Eritrea
Vaccines against COVID-19 Must Be Considered as a Global Public Good
US: claims of Kim Jong Yana said “Interesting Signal”
COVID-19 and social protection among key debates as June session of virtual International Labour Conference ends
In North Korea, declared preparedness for confrontation with United States
Global agreement reached at ILO Conference on action for COVID-19 recovery
One in 100 deaths is by suicide
Human Rights Council to Hold its Forty-Seventh Regular Session from 21 June to 13 July 2021
World leaders to address ILO’s World of Work Summit
Internet Sexual Images Ruin Women’s Lives: South Korea
100 Start-ups Join World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers Community in 2021 Cohort
Set women at heart of recovery decisions and processes
Brussels Summit Communiqué issued by Heads of State and Government participating in meeting of North Atlantic Council
ACT Accelerator partnership welcomes commitment of 870 million vaccine doses and calls for more investment
Statement for healthcare professionals: How COVID-19 vaccines are regulated for safety and effectiveness
In world, they are discussing strongly lost weight Kim Jong
Record response to WHO’s call for antimicrobial resistance surveillance reports in 2020
Guterresca put forward for second term for post of UN Secretary General
Silk West Airlines employees were awarded on occupational holiday
Global Launch: Tracking SDG7: Energy Progress Report
Expanding Palm Oil Operations Bring Harm: Indonesia