All Life news and updates

Commitment to post-pandemic ‘green’ recovery falling short, UN-backed study finds
Pashinyan appeals to military of Armenia
Meeting of State Commission on Assessment of Damage Caused by Armenia
COVID contributed to ‘starvation’, executions in DPR Korea, Rights Council hears
Armenian President is required to tell about British citizenship
Two schools closed in Agsu due to Covid-19
“Haven’t seen each other for a long time”: Putin and Erdogan agreed to meet
Legendary Maracana stadium will be renamed in honor of Pele
Pashinyan’s opponents hold their next rally
Interbank updated 4 more service centers
Rovnag Abdullayev: “Despite pandemic, Azerbaijan once again achieved maximum results”
Traffic police of Baku warned drivers
Operational-tactical exercises to be held in Azerbaijan
UN forum highlights central role of migrants in world’s most populous region
“Dashkesan Demir Filiz” and University of Oil and Industry agreed on cooperation
New government approved in Libya
Fugitive killer extradited to Azerbaijan
School in Azerbaijan closed due to Covid-19
Head of Staff of Armenian Parliament resigned
What if your pencil was a tool against forced labour?
Pashinyan announced his candidate for post of head of General Staff
Czech Republic is breaking mortality records. Pandemic is to blame
Another riot of Armenian generals
Hungarian Foreign Minister announced main purpose of his visit to Baku
Forecasters warn of snow and blizzard
Two more schools closed in Baku due to Covid-19
Onik Gasparyan tries to challenge Pashinyan’s decision in court
US imposed sanctions on Iranian officials
Armenian eco-terror continues: mass death of fish in Okhchuchay river
Dozens of foreign companies apologize to Azerbaijan
Kiev: announced a new plan for Donbass
Best Cancer Protection Product Named
Cavusoglu: “Oil and gas from Dostlug field is planned to be transported to Turkey”
More than half of those infected with COVID in Azerbaijan are in Baku
Armenian President contested law according to which head of General Staff was fired
Musk has become richer by $ 25 billion
Opposition says it will continue blockade of Armenian parliament
Pashinyan announced final victory over rebellious head of General Staff
Confirmed Covid-19 cases in world has exceeded 118 million people
France conducts military exercises in space for first time
Ceramic bowl from a flea market turns out to be a treasure of 15th century
British strain found in five more countries
Impact of COVID-19 ‘heavily felt’ by prisoners globally: UN expert
Food systems account for over one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions
7-year-old French citizen died on way to Novkhany
EU Special Representative flies to Baku
Endemic violence against women ‘cannot be stopped with a vaccine’ – WHO chief
Inclusive political process key to Sudan’s transition, Security Council hears