All Life news and updates

Musaev came out of house and did not return
“From Yerevan to Istanbul three times a week”: company of Pashinyan’s associate starts to fly to Turkey
Ministry of Internal Affairs appealed to drivers and pedestrians
Guliyeva robbed a neighbor for tens of thousands and went to prison for 7 years
Case of beating policemen Gasanov sent to court
Head of IAEA on negotiations with Iran
Mehman Aliyev is convinced: United States and Russia reached consensus in Armenian-Azerbaijan settlement
In Afghanistan for 100 days, 257 media closed
Moscow: Polad Bulbülogli ask: how could airport in Fizuli be built in just 8 months?
Guide “Azerigaz” hears residents of a number of districts
Famous military doctor died in Azerbaijan
Famous football player was sentenced to prison for blackmail
Population of Iran is waiting for positive news
Violence against women must stop; five stories of strength and survival
Broken Promises to Aid Gender-Based Violence Survivors in South Africa
France: number of cases COVID-19 among children has increased dramatically
UN human rights expert to visit Nepal to assess poverty
UN expert on transitional justice to review progress in Croatia
Abandoned Baby Baby is amended
For first time in history of Sweden: prime minister has become a woman
Network “Kontakt” took part in implementation of development program for adolescent girls
Weather will deteriorate again, rain is expected
Ministry of Health Warns Azerbaijani citizens: do not believe
Zagatala: chairman of municipality caught on fraud
“Path to Victory”: UNEC Economic Forum will be held in Baku
Coronavirus in Russia: Statistics encourages
Residents of Turkey were supported by Erdogan
Scientists have found a new Covid-19 at bats
Social payments are scheduled for family members of 7 shekhid
Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan warns population
International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women 25 November 2021
Previously convicted 20-year-old resident of Apsheron committed suicide
Muganbank declares deposit campaign
Grenade and ammunition were found in Gusar
US invited Taiwan for summit, China responded
Coronavirus in Armenia and Georgia: latest data 24 November
Armenian drivers lost to Iranian gasoline
Afghanistan: restlessly: 4 dead
Georgia declared absence of progress in political relations with Russia
UN expert to visit to assess contemporary forms of slavery: Sri Lanka
Breeding to wedding of Nazarov killed a friend
Birbank’s digital centers allow you to quickly and conveniently use banking services
Famous businessman died in mountains of Georgia
Abuse, Pushbacks At Border: Belarus/Poland
ICRC alarmed at lack of humanitarian access for 26 million people in Africa
In Dialogue with Thailand, Experts of Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination Ask about Situation of Indigenous Peoples
In Colombia, UN chief sees firsthand progress and challenges five years after historic peace deal
Death of a joint journalist: Elvina Yusifli sentenced to 6.5 years in prison