All mexico news and updates

Ex-head of Pentagon Donald Ramsfeld died
Women must no longer be ‘squeezed into a small corner’, landmark Forum declares
Remarks by Under-Secretary-General of UN and UN Women Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka 1 July
Secretary General participates in opening ceremony of Generation Equality Forum in Paris
Statement on “Emergence of Convergence” to CCW informal meeting on lethal autonomous weapons systems
How Spotlight Initiative is working toward Generation Equality
Alongside COVID lies an ‘equally horrific pandemic’ threatening women
Human Rights Council Holds Separate Interactive Dialogues with Special Rapporteur on Independence of Judges and Lawyers and
Chair of Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls flags States’ failure to adequately prioritise sexual
Generation Equality Forum: Feminist inspiration
“What is so exciting about Generation Equality Forum is that it’s not just a three-day conference, it’s a five-year agenda”
In Absence of Individualized Assessments, Pushbacks are a Violation of Prohibition of Collective Expulsion and Heighten Risk
High Commissioner for Human Rights Presents Report on Situation of Human Rights
Opening statement by Under-Secretary-General of UN and Executive Director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women Opens Seventy-ninth Online Session
Seven ways to change world
Countdown begins towards Generation Equality Forum
Vaccines against COVID-19 Must Be Considered as a Global Public Good
Economic Crisis Pushes Many Workers into Informal Labor Market in Latin America and Caribbean
Human Rights Council to Hold its Forty-Seventh Regular Session from 21 June to 13 July 2021
World leaders to address ILO’s World of Work Summit
Red Cross steps up support to Venezuelan migrants, including refugees, across 17 American countries
100 Start-ups Join World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers Community in 2021 Cohort
Set women at heart of recovery decisions and processes
UN elects five new members to serve on Security Council
Statement for healthcare professionals: How COVID-19 vaccines are regulated for safety and effectiveness
Education Above All Foundation and World Bank Partner to Enroll 35,000 Out-of-School Children in Djibouti
UN and regional experts call for peace after violent election campaign: Mexico
US Vice-President Aircraft is raised in place of departure
Australian delegation unveils artwork donation to International Criminal Court
Israel banned its citizens to ride Russia
Wanted for 100 kills Colombian detained in Spain
Human Rights Council Establishes International Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Violations
Human Rights Council Opens Special Session on “the Grave Human Rights Situation
Mexico: 72-year-old serial-eater killer was arrested
UNHCR chief calls on US to end COVID-19 asylum restrictions at Mexico border
Human Rights Council to Hold a Special Session to Address “Grave Human Rights Situation
Global trade soars in first quarter, but services still in doldrums
Spreading Gains from Trade More Widely
2020 Private Sector Participation in Developing-Country Infrastructure Saw Huge Drop, Stabilizing as Year Ended
Defying Predictions, Remittance Flows Remain Strong During COVID-19 Crisis
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Closes Online Twentieth Session after Adopting Concluding Observations on Reports of Mongolia
Sierra Leone’s human rights record to be examined by Universal Periodic Review
Latin America right groups face growing threats, attacks: Bachelet
Partnership for Health Cities supports COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach in 18 Cities
Bachelet alarmed by attempts to undermine national human rights institutions in Latin America and Caribbean
Asian Ports Dominate Global Container Port Performance Index
Crew Dragon with four astronauts returned to ground