All turkey news and updates

Human Rights Council Holds Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on Human Rights Situation
Against background of changing head of Central Bank, Turkish Lira fell by almost 10%
Erdogan’s personal doctor saved child aboard Bishkek-Istanbul aircraft
Human Rights Council continues general debate on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance
UN agencies urge Turkey not to abandon international accord protecting women
Turkey: PAC activists who opposed liberation of Karabakh were arrested
Erdogan approved a memorandum of strategic partnership with Azerbaijan
Turkey came out of Istanbul Council of Europe Convention
CRKK SUNGUR will strengthen Turkey Navy
Aircraft from Turkey to Moscow forced to sat down in Rostov
And Greece recognized UNEC
Chavushoglu and Zarif met in Istanbul
Turkey announced a rocket strike by Syria
No winners but fewer losers in global economy from COVID than expected
EU will not impose sanctions on Turkey
26 terrorist attacks prevented in Turkey since beginning of year
Doctor said products that help you sleep
Azerbaijan-wanted businessman detained in Turkey
Azerbaijan national football team to hold a friendly match with Moldova
In United States, appearance of Su-57 in Turkey was declared a NATO nightmare
Most of Georgia was left without light
Sergei Shoigu: “Nagorno-Karabakh is a very difficult operation”
Kremlin: Russian and Turkish military cooperate closely in Syria
Maria Zakharova on importance of cooperation between Russia and Turkey
Erdogan told when Turkey will stop buying foreign vaccines
Four NATO ships entered waters of Georgia
Earthquake in Turkey 15 March
Factories of Future Find Growth and Sustainability Through Digitalization
Azerbaijani karate fighters win 4 medals in Istanbul
Poetry and pain of loss and leaving; a voice from Syria
Turkey to build aircraft carrier for Bayraktar
Lake in Turkey will help study Mars on Earth
Turkish delegation got acquainted with work of Institute of Food Safety
A unique frigate is being created in Turkey
Turkey may buy 50 million Chinese vaccines
Six more gold deposits to be commissioned by AzerGold
Earthquake in Turkey
MFA: Najaryan refused to return to Armenia
Turkey can buy Russian fighters, but
“Haven’t seen each other for a long time”: Putin and Erdogan agreed to meet
Cavusoglu: “Oil and gas from Dostlug field is planned to be transported to Turkey”
Lavrov and Cavusoglu to meet in Qatar
Jalal Gasimov: this year our company entered a new strategic period
Russia has set a record for food exports
Erdogan and Boris Johnson phoned
Greek media: policy to isolate Turkey failed
USA blocked and delivery of Turkish helicopters to Pakistan
Ankara announced “reverse consequences” due to pressure on Turkey