All turkey news and updates

Mehmet Kajir: We act taking into account one hundred percent security
Turkish parliament extended term of Turkish Navy in Gulf of Aden
Emine Erdogan wished success to first Turkish astronaut
Underground cities of Cappadocia last year visited 1 million 495 thousand
President Erdogan: We will not stop until we destroy all nests of terrorists
Foreign Minister Turkey: Ankara calls for politicians in Erbil not to indulge RKK
In ancient city of Dara in Turkey, canal of 1500 years was found
Export of related sectors of Turkish auto industry in 2023 broke record – $ 14 billion
Turkish special services neutralized dangerous terrorist PKK/YPG in Syria 16 January
Head of Ministry of Defense: 78 targets and 77 terrorists were destroyed in north of Syria and Iraq
First manned mission is culmination of Turkey’s efforts to master space
Parliament of Turkey will consider extension of mandate of Land of country in Gulf of Aden
Particularly dangerous terrorist is neutralized in Iraq
Nicos Dandias: Türkiye is far ahead of Greece in field of aviation industry
10 terrorists of RSC are neutralized in areas of Metin and Gara in north of Iraq
Syria: 23 goals of PKK/YPG terrorist organization were destroyed
Leaders of Turkey and UAE announced unity in fight against terrorism
7 RSC terrorists are neutralized in north of Syria
Turkish special services neutralized particularly dangerous terrorist in Iraq
Turkish Air Force destroyed 25 targets of terrorists in north of Syria and Iraq
Turkey said that they would categorically not allow creation of terrorist organization along southern borders
Meeting on security issues ended in Istanbul
Meeting on security issues began in Istanbul
Number of terrorists neutralized in north of Iraq increased to 23
Fighters of Turkish special forces neutralized 9 PKK/YPG terrorists
Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan expressed condolences of Turkey
Turkish Air Force struck PKK objects in north of Syria and Iraq
Mi̇t detained and delivered to Turkey one of leaders of RKK/KSK
Khatai: an earthquake of magnitude 4.2 occurred
Prime Minister Mitzikitis: Dialogue between Turkey and Greece is developing
Anatoly’s rich heritage is reflected in female traditional clothing
Türkiye and Tajikistan are aimed at expanding cooperation
Foreign Minister of Turkey and Tajikistan discussed all aspects of bilateral cooperation
5 RSC terrorists are neutralized in north of Syria
President of Uzbekistan: you should turn markets into “business card” of country
IL Messaggero: Togg in focus of CES 2024 exhibition in USA
Foreign Minister: Türkiye for Kyrgyzstan Bratsk Country
Three PKK/YPG terrorists are neutralized in north of Syria
Minister Yashar Guler met with Azerbaijani veterans
Turkish special forces neutralized two PKK terrorists in northern Iraq
Turkish army neutralized 5 terrorists in north of Syria
Zoo of Turkish Kaiseri took over 430 thousand
Türkiye among European leaders in sales of electric vehicles
Togg Turkish company introduced new electric sedan
2023: more than 1 million people visited museums and ruins of Mugli
In north of Syria, 6 RSC terrorists are neutralized
Turkish Air Force destroyed 15 targets of terrorists in north of Syria and Iraq
Central Bank of Uzbekistan retained in November status of largest seller of gold