All ukraine news and updates

Borrel eliminated introduction of “preventive sanctions” against Russia in Ukraine
Poroshty, who considers preventive measure of Poroshtyko, called an ambulance
In Moscow, they stated that for Ukraine there can be no plan “B”
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine: Kiev was not going and was not going to step on Donbass
NATO and Ukraine reaffirm commitment to technical cooperation
German Foreign Minister went to Kiev and Moscow
Poroshenko flew to Kiev. Hopes that he will not be detained
NATO responded to requirement of Russia
Canada recommends that its citizens do not go to Ukraine
Poroshenko confirmed his return to Ukraine
In Kremlin explained presence of Russian troops at border with Ukraine
CIT investigators: Moscow moves “Iskander” from Far East to Ukraine
In Kremlin made a statement in Ukraine
Ukraine: a new law entered into force: all printed media transfers to state language
Ukraine said it is Belarus for kiberataka to government sites
United States has prepared 18 scenarios of actions if Russia attacks Ukraine
White House: Russia can attack Ukraine until mid-February
Kremlin’s reaction on reports on preparation of Russia provocations in Ukraine
Zelensky: “We have many plans with Ilham Aliyev”
In Moscow, they are confident: Russian economy will withstand new sanctions
Statement by NATO Secretary General on cyber attacks against Ukraine
Yanukovych does not surrender: asks him to return to him status of President of Ukraine
Emergency meeting in Ukraine in European Parliament
Ilham Aliyev flew to Ukraine
Poroshenko stated his criminal case “Forensic garbage”
From Georgia to Azerbaijan cars for hundreds of millions of dollars
United States threatened answer in case of placing Russia forces in Latin America
NATO military chiefs discuss Euro-Atlantic defence
Building Back Better toward renewed social contractInvesting in human rights-based recovery from Covid and implementation of 2030 Agenda
Olestki allowed citizens of three more countries to come to Azerbaijan
Europe admitted a runaway Kazakhstan oligarch Ablyazov innocent
Illegal transportation of Saakashvili to Georgia organized ex-deputy minister
In Europe, they talk about highest threat of war over 30 years
Ilham Aliyev flies to Ukraine
Kasparov: In 30th in Europe, Hitler was underestimated, and now – Putin
NATO Secretary General discusses security situation in eastern Europe with President of Estonia
State Department advises Americans not to go to Ukraine
Ukraine: Ongoing, active conflict cause of heavy humanitarian toll
US Senate can accept sanctions against Putin
NATO Chiefs of Defence focus on Alliance’s military instrument of power
NATO Secretary General meets with EU Defence Ministers
Stoltenberg threatened Moscow by expansion to East
NATO-Russia Council meets in Brussels
Kiev: allowed Poroshenko to delay
US is preparing sanctions against Putin
Ilham Aliyev awarded teachers in Ukraine from School Zarifa Aliyeva
Victoria Nuland gave Council to Russians. Zakharova answered it
Ex-deputy Rada stated that Poroshenko is waiting for arrest