All us news and updates

Brother and sister drowned in Kura
G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council membership announced
UN rights office urges protection, investigation, after latest clashes in West Darfur
Customs on export of 1.1 billion Currency from Azerbaijan
Minister: In Azerbaijan, payments for nearly 90 thousand pension cases
Ministry of Emergency Situations appealed to population of Azerbaijan
Putin and Erdogan about restoration of “Zangezur Corridor”
WHO advises not mixing vaccines from Covid-19
In Belarus found oil
World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings 2021: Development Committee Communiqué
COVID-19 strategies must invest in human-centred recovery, ILO tells World Bank/IMF
Former Dagestan minister accused of creating a criminal community
Zelensky flies to Turkey
Meeting of Guidelines Development Group for update and consolidation of guidelines for safe abortion care
Deputy Rufat Guliyev: “The Accounts Chamber catches corrupt officials by hand. But how many cases come to trial?”
Unusual signs of heart attack
Azerbaijan raised question of maps of minefields
US notified Turkey about passage of two warships through Bosphorus
An attempt to import in Azerbaijan a large batch of diamonds
Putin met with Vagita Alekperov
Commander of Russian peacekeepers, General Rustam Muradov accused Armenia in provocations
Tribute to Christof Heyns
Press briefing notes on violence in West Darfur
Appointed election date in Public Council at “Azerigaz”
US military visited Donbass
26 million jobs lost in Latin America and Caribbean during a year of pandemic
US Secretary of State called King Jordan
Prime Minister fined for violation of antique rules
In Baku detained apartment thieves
Ilham Aliyev once again repeated for UN: “Karabakh conflict completed”
Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan continues to save citizens 9 April
Covid-19 is worsening human trafficking – states should take action, warn Council of Europe experts
Operation against Sicilian Mafia: Dozens of Arrested
Diseases that can be determined by smell
Azerbaijani oil has rise in price
Police stopped wedding in Hyrtalana
Police detained in public places 15 patients with COVID
Confirmed Covid-19 cases in world exceeded 134 million people
Protesters are still kept in blockade building of Armenian Ministry of Defense
New Russian vaccines from Covid-19 experienced in primates
Egypt: found a gigantic lost city
When shooting in Texas wound six people
Diplomatic scandal between Turkey and Italy
Humanitarian catastrophe in northern Mozambique ‘beyond epic proportions’
Paris goals still ‘long way off’, says President of UN climate conference
End Misguided Public Health Border Expulsions: US
Turkey has renewed anti-recorder for Covid-19
Thieves in law massively refused their titles