Local and foreign tourists who come to Cappadocia, one of the main centers of Turkish tourism, have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the region from a bird’s height thanks to the “micro -lites”, as an ultra -light aircraft reminiscent of a deltaplane with a motor.
Cappadocia, located in the Turkish province of Nevshihir, attracts the attention of tourists with its unique natural landscape of volcanic origin, the peribajalare valley (“magic fireplaces” or “fireplace”), carved in the rocks, historical attractions, flights on air balloons and various ways tourist events.
After receiving permits from the relevant institutions in Cappadocia, flights on the “Microelaites”
began to be carried out.
Tourists participating in 20-minute flights organized by the company gain a completely new experience, discovering fabulous chimneys from a bird’s eye view.
In an interview with an anadol correspondent, the company representative of the company Sultan Shen said that thanks to the tours on Microelaites, a new “tourist window” was opened in the region.
Shen noted that the company received only positive reviews from visitors in relation to this initiative.
“We are pleased to bring a new and exciting type of activity to Cappadocia. We demonstrate the unique and natural beauties of Cappadocia with the help of” Microlites, “he said.
The flight lasts 20 minutes
Meanwhile, the pilot Serkan Shen said that the guests were flying on a double, ultra -light aircraft.
According to the pilot, flights in Cappadocia are a new trend, since these aircraft were delivered to the region recently.
In turn, the pilot Mehmet Nuri Shen said that in addition to commercial tours on balloons in the region, flights on ultra -light aircraft began to be performed.
“We demonstrate places that a tourist will not be able to visit during the day, in just 20 minutes of flight.” Microlight “is a aircraft that provides more pleasure and adrenaline than a stable flight. We get positive reviews from passengers, and We also offer the opportunity to see the beauty of our unique region from a bird’s eye view, ”he said.