Tradition or pedophilia? Young Azerbaijani are already kidnapped in Moscow

Early marriages are still the main social problem in Azerbaijan. Despite the fact that state bodies have been trying to eradicate this social archaism for decades, in a number of high -mountain regions, the practice of marrying minor girls is still widespread.

Ten years ago, up to 4,500 early marriages were fixed annually in Azerbaijan. And although the scale of this social disaster managed to significantly reduce, the state bodies are forced to admit that marriages with minors are still continuing to consist. Last year 360 such marriages were recorded.

As it turned out, the tradition of early marriages among Azerbaijanis is not limited only to the limits of Azerbaijan. On the eve of Moscow, a native of Azerbaijan announced the police about the abduction of his 15-year-old daughter. It turned out that she was stolen for marriage.

The teenager’s father said that a certain 40-year-old native of Azerbaijan called him on the phone. The caller said that he had taken a 15-year-old girl with him, as he wants her to become his wife. By the way, a teenager does not study anywhere, works in the salon of manicure. The girl confirmed that she left with the groom voluntarily, she was fine, but she wants to marry and will not return home. Nevertheless, the father of the runaway turned to the police.

However, a few hours later a counter application to the law enforcement agencies was written by the girl’s mother.

She stated that they did nothing wrong with her daughter, and her search should be stopped. The mother also has no complaints about the groom. Parents were aware that the kidnapper consists in close relations with their daughter, but they did not have more information about him.