Treastener discovered under water stolen 20 years ago Safe

Inciting the search for treasures Australian found a safe with collectible coins in the capital of the Netherlands, which was kidnapped for more than 20 years ago. This is reported by Newsweek.

Treasure Hunters Find Huge Safe Filled with Stolen Coins While Magnet Fishing */p>- MIGHTY MOUSE (@ MIGHTYM55070329) APRIL 13, 2021

Australian named Lee Webber together with his friends checked with a powerful magnet one of Amsterdam channels in the hope of meeting something interesting. As a result, they were lucky to detect a place where 46 old safes were hidden under water. One of them was so big that the teamwheel team had to cause a crane to get it from the bottom.

Extracted from the water Safe turned out to be very heavy, so the men decided that something was sure to be hidden. Take it up, whether he slept inside and groped some plastic rounds. It turned out that these were cases in which collective money seal. And judging by the inscription “Hortus Botanicus 1682-1982”, the coins released to the 300-year anniversary of the local botanical garden were in the hands of the treasure detection.

Webber reported a find to the police, and later he was told that the safe was found by him was kidnapped for about 20 years ago. Today, the cost of each coin is estimated by specialists of about $ 41.5. In total, about 500 such monk signs were released, however, the value of those who found it increases due to their unique history.