Trial of members of one of Armenian sabotage groups is completed in Baku

In the Baku Court of Appeals Sixth of July, the process of the criminal case another 13 members of the Armenian terrorist armed group – Hovanesyana Haykaza Koryunovicha, Manukyan Varazdat Amushavanovicha, Stepanian David Stepanovich Tosunyan Levan Ashotovich is wanted, Baghdasaryan Arthur E., Avakian Serop S. Harutyunyan Varazdat Serezhevicha, Manukyan Jora Vanoevich, Khorabian Korera Storacovich, Gasparyan Narka Agovich, Kuregian Grigor Grigorovich, Gevorkian Ashot Artakovich and Agramanian Martin Mushegovich.

According to his own Correspondent, the meeting is under the chairmanship of the Judge of the Baku Court of Grave Crimes of Eldar Ismailov.

Note that the previously completed preliminary investigation of the criminal case in the Main Investigation Department of the State Security Service (SSS) of Azerbaijan with regard to disarmament as a result of anti-terrorist operation GBS December 13, 2020 the members of the Armenian armed forces, which after the announcement of a cease-fire Awarded by Signed by Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia on November 10, 2020, a trilateral statement, illegally and secretly penetrating to Azerbaijani territory, committed terrorist – subversive and other criminal actions against military personnel and civilians of Azerbaijan.