Troughs Are Under Threat Of Disappearance Of Lynx In Snowy Mountains Of Tundu

In the National Park of Munzur in the province of Tundu, the lynxes, which were threatened with the disappearance, were filmed on the east of Turkey. Mother-people and her two cubs were seen against the background of snowfalls that significantly complicate the animal search for food in their natural environment.

National Park Munzur, which stretches from the center of the city of Tundu to the Ovajyk region, is a home for various species of wild animals, such as wolves, brown bears, wild boars, proteins, eagles, red falcons, owls, otter, foxes, jackals, wild Goats, caresses and martens.

Due to heavy snowfalls that have hit the park in recent days, many animals are faced with difficulties in finding food. In the conditions of these weather conditions, lynxes were noticed how they carefully examine the territory in search of food.

Meanwhile, the lynxes included in the red list of the International Union of Nature Protection are at risk of disappearance and require special protection.