Trump’s Administration Is Working On Mechanism For Accounting For Illegal Migrants

US authorities plan to introduce a register for illegal migrants, which provides for handling fingerprints and registration for all illegal immigrants at the age of 14 and older.

According to the US Ministry of Internal Security, as part of a new mechanism regarding those who do not provide the authorities with the necessary information, fines or imprisonment are provided.

At the same time, the legality of this practice in the American department is determined by the provisions in the Law on Immigration and US Citizenship.

US Minister of Internal Security Christie Noem in an interview with Fox News stated that a plan for illegal immigrants is a “tool that will help to fulfill the promises given (US President Donald) Trump to the American people.”

Migration policy of the Trump administration

Immediately after his inauguration, the US President said that the provision of automatic citizenship for children of immigrants born in the country will be canceled, and the 14th amendment to the Constitution, which grants this right, must be revised.

Trump promised to put an end to the stream of illegal migration on the border using hard measures, stopping the work of the CBP One application, which allowed migrants to enter the United States legally.

The head of the White House also ordered measures to prepare a migration center in the Gulf of Guantanamo for the placement of 30 thousand migrants, in particular, “highly priority foreigners who are illegally in the United States.”

US Secretary of Defense Pit Hegset stated that this object is a “perfect place for migrants.”