Tüpraş headed top 500 industrial enterprises in Turkey

The Neftekhimic Giant of Turkey – the company Tüpraş headed the rating of 500 industrial enterprises in Turkey.

Istanbul Industrial Chamber (̇SO) announced the rating of leading industrial enterprises in the country as of the end of 2023.

According to ̇SO, sales of Tüpraş in 2023 amounted to 484.2 billion Turkish lire.

, along with Tüpraş, the Ford and Star Rafineri automotive company included in the top three. Ford sales volume last year amounted to 238 billion lires, Star Rafineri – 226.8 billion lire.

In the fourth position, the Istanbul gold processing plant ̇ar (142.5 billion Turkish lire), on the fifth – Toyota Otomotiv (127.4 billion lires).

Among the industrial leaders of Turkey is also Oyak-Renault (107.2 billion lire), Arçelik (99.9 billion lire), Mercedes-Benz Türk Aş (94.2 billion Lear), Gramaltın Kıymetli Madenler Rafineri San. TIC. Aş (89.9 billion lire) and Ereğli Demir çelik (79.5 billion lire).