Turkey At ADEX Exhibition In Baku Was Introduced By 55 Defense Industry Companies

at the 5th anniversary Azerbaijani International Defense Exhibition “ADEX-2024” in Baku, 55 Turkish companies were presented, including Hürkuş, Bayraktar TB2, AKINCI and Shahi̇n.

According to Anadola, at the ADEX exhibition dedicated to defense and communication technologies, 270 companies from 40 countries, including the USA, Germany, Great Britain, China and Russia, primarily from Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Among the exhibition participants were such well -known companies as ASELSAN, Havelsan, Tusaş, Rocketsan, Asfat, Baykar and Ulak Thus, Turkey, having introduced 55 companies, became the country with the largest number of participants on ADEX.

Key were presented at the exhibition Projects of the Turkish defense industry, such as Hürkuş, Bayraktar TB2 and AKINCI, as well as Roketsan and Aselsan.


Participants showed great interest in the presented technologies and took memorable photos against the background of exhibits.

Hürkuş opened doors for national platforms

The exhibition visitors presented information on the products of the Turkish defense industry.

Hürkuş, a new training aircraft developed by Tusaş, made his first flight 11 years ago. Named after Vedzhikhi Hurkush, one of the pioneers of Turkish aviation, Hürkuş was a breakthrough that opened the way for the development of other national platforms.

Starting with Hurkuş, series The development of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles has reached its peak with the creation of a national fighter Kaan.

The project of the tactical unmanned aerial vehicle Bayraktar TB2 was launched by Baykar in 2012. The first fully automatic flight was held in 2014, and in the same year it entered service. Thanks to his successes on the battlefield, Bayraktar TB2 attracted the attention of many countries of the world and became the best -selling shock unmanned aerial vehicle, making Turkey a leader in this area.

A wide range of products – from missiles to missile systems

The exhibition was presented by numerous products of Roketsan, including mini-smart ammunition MAM-L, MAM-T and MAM-T IIR, as well as controlled sets of Teber and Laçi̇n and products such as Som.

Among other Rocketsan products presented at the exhibition were ballistic supersonic missiles of the Air-Earth class ̇ha-122 and ̇ha-230, Karaok short-range missile missile, laser-controlled Ci̇ri̇t missile and anti-tank missile system Omtas.

shahi̇n and Tasmus are first represented abroad

Aselsan presented at the exhibition the Heri̇kks 600-T system, designed to counteract miniature and micro unmanned aerial vehicles, helicopters and aircraft, as well as the Kalkan-100G and Aura-100G radar.