Turkish athletes fight for medals at 19th World Cup in Athletics

Turkey at the XIX World Athletics Championship is represented by 17 athletes.

The championship is held in the capital of Hungary from August 19 to 27.

For the first time, the World Athletics Championship was held in 1983 in Finland. Since 1991, the championship has been held every two years.

This year, over 2100 athletes from 202 countries will fight for medals.

This year of the Turkish team, 7 women

In the entire history of the championship, Turkey received 4 medals (1 gold and 3 silver).

The prize fund of the XIX World Athletics Championship amounted to 89 million 498 thousand dollars.

Gold medalists will receive $ 70 thousand, silver – 35 thousand dollars, bronze – $ 22 thousand.

In the team standings for the championship, a prize of $ 80 thousand is expected. Teams that took second and third places will receive 40 thousand and 20 thousand dollars, respectively.